

PM4I-Jugendaustausch und Abschlusskonferenz: Stärkung der Jugend und Gestaltung von Gemeinschaften

The recent PM4I Youth Exchange and Final Conference in Brussels were crucial outputs in the Project Place Making for Inclusion (PM4I). The Youth Exchange, held ...

PM4I Jugendaustausch

🔛PM4I Youth Exchange is officially begun! 🇧🇪#PM4I participants are taking part in the 4 days of a #youth#exchange currently held in #Brussels which will conclude with the #International#Conference on the 21st November. ...

📣Endversion des Berichtsauszugs!

Dear placemaking community, we are pleased to announce that the final version of the Comparative Report for “Placemaking for Inclusion” Framework is ready! The Report ...

Internationale PM4I-Konferenz!

📣 You are invited to the PM4I International Conference! – November 2023 🗓️ On the 21st of November, YEU is hosting the PM4I International Conference ...
Lokale Veranstaltung

Inklusionsveranstaltung in Oslo

Welcome to the Placemaking 4 Inclusion event in Oslo. 🌻06.11.2023, kl. 17:00-20:00, K1 Aktivitetshus, Kolstadgata 1, 0652 OSLO This event showcases the work of the ...